The proposed algorithm can use the error signals to update the control variable even when the systems do not satisfy regularity nor passivity. 所提出算法在系统不满足正则性或无源性时,仍可用输出误差信号来构造学习律。
Improved control variable methods of Monte Carlo simulation for pricing convertible bonds 可转换债券蒙特卡罗模拟定价的控制变量改进方法
For loop control variable must be simple local variable FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量
Research and Design of Asynchronous Motor Vector Control Variable Frequency Speed Regulating System 异步电机矢量控制变频调速系统的研究与设计
The model of reentry trajectory is established and the angle of attack is regarded as control variable. 首先建立了高超声速导弹再入段弹道模型,并将攻角作为控制变量。
Officials working behind the scenes urged them to avoid further confrontation. Inductosyn Closed loop Control Variable Step Step Servo System 在幕后进行操纵的官员们极力劝诫他们应避免进一步的正面交锋。感应同步器闭环变步距步进伺服系统
Array declared as for loop control variable cannot be declared with an initial size. 声明用于循环控制变量的数组时不能使用初始大小的值。
According to the non-linear mapping relations between PID controller each control variable and error, design non-linear PID controller. 根据PID控制器各控制参数与偏差之间的非线性映射关系,设计非线性PID控制器。
In this paper, the working procedure Confirmation of Control Variable and Selection of Main Components and Part of Design Schematic of tread cutting system are expressed in detail. 详细介绍了胎面裁断系统的工作过程以及控制变量的确定、主要元件的选取和部分控制回路的设计图。
Digital control variable displacement pump is key that is to realize high efficiency transmission technology. 数控变量泵是实现高效传动的技术关键。
Application of the strength reduction factor with the performance index as the control variable is an effective way to conduct performance-based aseismic design. 发展以性能指标为控制变量的强度折减因子是基于性能抗震设计方法的有效途径。
Inductosyn Closed loop Control Variable Step Step Servo System 感应同步器闭环变步距步进伺服系统
Application of vector control variable frequency speed regulating system in high-speed wire rod line 矢量控制变频调速系统在高速线材轧线上的应用
The vector Control Variable Frequency Speed Regulating system for NC Machine Tool 数控机床主轴矢量控制变频调速系统
Self adaptive inverse control variable frequency speed control system based on LMS algorithm LMS算法的自适应逆控制变频调速系统
Study of the Digital Control Variable Axial Piston Pump and Its SCM Control 单片机控制数字变量柱塞泵的研究
Based on adaptive control variable algorithm, dynamic matrix control is introduced to nutritive medium control system. 通过对营养液施加一个自适应控制量,将动态矩阵控制算法应用到营养液组分控制中;
A flexible factor was introduced to the fuzzy control model, which can self-adapt and adjust the universe of discourse in the fuzzy control and the workpiece peripheral speed v_w was selected as control variable. 采用论域自调整策略和模糊控制理论建立了纵向磨削的控制模型,选择工件的转速vw作为控制变量。
Fuzzy Control Variable in Multiple Linear Regression 具有模糊控制变量的多元线性回归
The control variable is mutually independent. Because the effect of generator units 'controlling unit on jacobi matrix is high sparse and high regularity, the reducing dimension algorithm is presented that can decrease effectively the calculation amount and is a useful analysis tool of voltage stability. 各控制变量相互独立,并且利用发电机组控制环节的影响在雅可比矩阵中的高度稀疏性和有规律性,提出了降维算法,能有效降低计算量,是分析中长期电压稳定问题的有效工具。
Secondly, by regarding the function of the system ′ s exterior load as the control variable, the existence of unique optimal control element was proved by utilizing the geometric property of Banach space. 其次通过把系统外激励函数当作控制变量,利用Banach空间几何性质证明了此系统存在唯一最优控制元。
Combined Self-tuning Controller with Control Variable Constraints 具有控制量约束的组合自校正控制器
A Fully Digital Vector Control Variable Frequency Drive System 全数字矢量控制变频调速驱动系统
Combine the actual experience of fault diagnosis, a software was developed use the development tool of VC++ 6.0. The algorithm of control variable steps was designed to improve the system's learning in view of the faultiness of BP algorithm. 结合故障诊断中的实际经验,利用VC++6.0实现了模型的计算机化。针对网络易陷入局部最优的缺点,设计了限幅的变步长算法来改进系统的学习过程。
With the vehicle's angle of attack regard as control variable, the maximum speed of missile at thc end of its flying midcourse as performance index, the nonlinear twopoint boundary value problem with constrained control has been deduced according to the principle of the maximum. 文中选择飞行器迎角作为控制变量,以中制导段末速最大为性能指标,按极大原理导出了有约束控制的非线性两点边值问题。
How to specify reasonable set points for each local control variable through supervisory control during part load has great influence on system energy requirement. 当空调系统处于部分负荷时,如何通过上层控制器的优化控制管理,实时合理地给出各控制变量设定值对系统的能耗影响巨大。
It resolved the problem of discrete control variable. 免疫算法在模拟人类免疫反应过程中具有较大的优势,且解决了控制变量是离散变量的问题。
Then capital structure as a control variable is introduced into the model. 然后将资本结构作为一控制变量引入模型,对公司的最优股利政策和融资决策进行研究。
The control variable, namely darg and lift were treated as continuous, piecewise linear functions of the negative specific energy. By the Runge Kutta methods, the trajectory optimization problem was transferred to nonlinear programming, which was solved by Generalized Lagrange Multiplier. 通过将气动力假设为能量参数的分段连续线性函数,并且采用RungeKutta数值计算方法,将轨迹优化问题转化为多维非线性规划问题,应用广义乘子法对其进行数值求解。
We firstly introduce the theory of the direct digital Phase-Lock Loop frequency synthesizer. The Phase-Lock Loop is based on negative feed-back control theory, when one of its control variable changed, the system can adjust by itself and get stable on a new state. 本文介绍了直接数字锁相环频率合成的原理,锁相环是基于负反馈控制原理,在改变其一个控制变量时,能自动调节,在新的一个状态下重新达到稳定;